Walk-way inspections at various owner's associations
Het Bouwadvies has, due to the many requests by homeowner associations, started an inspection regarding the condition of the walk-ways and balcony's of various appartment complexes.

The cause for the inspection is because of the fact that one of the homeowner' association regents had received a letter from the city development department, of the muncipality of Rotterdam. The letter reffered to an incident that occured on the 23rd of May 2011, where a walk-way of an appartment complex located in Leeuwarden fell.
Company Econstruct did an extensive technical inspection, to find out what caused this incident. Based on the results of their inspection they came with the conclusion that the construction' weaponing was vunerable to a type of chloride corrosion, this had created cracks in the link between the outer wall and the plate which connected the walk-way.
Thus in the letter that was received, it was advised by the homeowner'association that the appartment complexes located on the Spinozaweg 303-389 should be inspected, to avoid such an event from happening again.